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Digital Music for Grade 3 Syllabus

Version: Revised January 2018

Format: 33 digital tracks - format mp3 (packaged in zip compressed file 71.2 MB). 

Copyright: Cecchetti Ballet Australia Inc. Unauthorised duplication, broadcast or reproduction in any format is prohibited. All rights reserved.


This music can be used in conjunction with the official Teaching Notes.

Collated and played by Archibald McKenzie. Announcements by Robina Beard. original January 2001

Digital Music for Grade 3 Syllabus

SKU: 99931
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  • Grade 3 tracklisting
    Track number & section Track Name Length
    1 Grade 3 Introduction 0:07
    2 Entering the room 0:44
    3 Warm Up Exercise 1:14
    4 Pliés 2:15
    5 Battements Tendus 1:35
    6 Battement Dégagés 0:53
    7 Rond de Jambes á terre 1:30
    8 Preparation for Battement Frappé 1:17
    9 Développé Devant & á la seconde  0:38
    10 Grands Battements & á la seconde 1:06
    11 Grands Battements derrière & á la seconde 1:05
    12 Relevés 0:37
    13 Stretching 0:52
    14 Ballet Runs to centre 0:33
    Centre Practice    
    15 3rd Port de Bras 1:26
    16 Battement tendus 0:46
    17 Port de Bras & Chassés in body positions 0:51
    18 Arabesques 1:53
    19 Exercise for use of head 1:05
    20 Tour en l’air 0:27
    21 Èchappés sautés 0:44
    22 Assembles 0:32
    23 Pas de Bourrées 0:31
    24 Posé Coupé 0:52
    25 Posé en avant - boys 0:37
    26 Balancés 0:54
    27 Balancés (slower) 0:57
    28 Balancés (slower) 1:01
    29 Le Grand Classique 1:13
    30 Le Grand Classique (slower) 1:16
    31 Tarantella 0:58
    32 Tarantella (slower) 1:02
    33 Révérence 0:25

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